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Google I/O Extended 2023 Watch Party : GDG Rehovot

יום ד׳, 10 במאי



Welcome to Google I/O 2023 Extended - Watch Party Google I/O Extended - Watch Party is an in-person event where we gather together and watch the latest Google news from the Google I/O 2023 live stream. Google I/O is an annual conference held by Google. You can read more about the event here: https

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Google I/O Extended 2023 Watch Party : GDG Rehovot
Google I/O Extended 2023 Watch Party : GDG Rehovot

זמן ומיקום

10 במאי 2023, 19:00 – 22:00


פרטי האירוע

Google I/O Extended - Watch Party is an in-person event where we gather together and watch the latest Google news from the Google I/O 2023 live stream on the topics

Mobile: Develop for a range of audiences and form factors.

AI: Bring the power of machine learning to appa and workflow.

Web: Create fast, secure sites & apps for the open web.

Cloud : Simply & scale end-to-end development


19:00 - Registration and mingling

20:00 - Google I/O live streaming

21:30 - Wrap up

21:40 - Socialize

Sign-up here :


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